Short runs still add miles

Another busy week, another lazy running schedule.

As usual, I overcommitted myself and found very little time to motivate myself to run. I keep telling myself that I need to take better care of myself, carve out the necessary time, but the morning comes and it’s cold and dark and windy. I find myself working late into the night to meet commitments that I stupidly said “yes” to. I’ve also been trying to commit to more sleep, which means I need to cut time either on the front-end (morning) or the backend (night).

This weekend I committed myself to reading and reviewing a book. It took me eight hours to get through it and take all my notes. Now I’ve got a few hours to write my review.

Halfway through the day yesterday, however, I did get inspired by the bright sun and the warmth shinning through my home office’s window. I got up, got my gear on, and ran my short loop (2.8 miles) just to get some miles in. It wasn’t much, but it still added miles to my 500 mile goal for 2015.

The weather and my schedule have been the major things that have demotivated me this year. I’m hoping that as the nicer weather pushes in and it is light nice and early in the morning, that I’ll get back to my 5 day a week running habit. Until then, I’ll take miles where I can get them.

Happy running.

~ Lucas

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